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  • SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2) Read online

  SJWs Always Double Down

  Vox Day


  SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police

  Vox Day

  Castalia House

  Kouvola, Finland


  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by Finnish copyright law.

  Copyright © 2017 by Vox Day

  All rights reserved

  Version: 003

  Cartoons: Gary “Redmeat” Kwapisz


  Foreword by Ivan Throne


  Chapter 1: The Second Law of SJW

  Chapter 2: Peak SJW and the Backlash of 2016

  Chapter 3: Defending the Narrative

  Chapter 4: Convergence and the Corporation

  Chapter 5: The SJW Convergence Sequence

  Chapter 6: Standard SJW Tactics

  Chapter 7: Understanding the SJW Mind

  Chapter 8: GamerGate Leads the Way

  Chapter 9: Building SJW-Free Organizations

  Appendix A: SJWs in Open Source

  Appendix B: Identifying Gamma

  Appendix C: Code of Merit

  Foreword by Ivan Throne

  There are times when the age is dark, and men fill themselves with cynical despair.

  There are also times when rare men step forth with unusual competence and shift the trajectory of the age in ways both seen and unseen.

  Sometimes the work these men do is seen by the public. A highly successful musician, a nationally syndicated political columnist, a social media influencer reaching millions, or a bestselling philosophy author who sharply opposes the slide and crash of culture. These are all examples of sustained public effort and of leadership that has impact.

  They are pillars of glittering prominence.

  At other times, these important men are less visible but more deeply influential. They shepherd and mentor others to grow in their own crucial delivery. They run a publishing house. They educate others through lectures and debates. They provide counsel and support to those who run the gauntlet at the front of the cultural war while maintaining the calm and objectivity required of the mentor.

  That is the work of men who place solid momentum ahead of ego.

  In very unusual instances, these leaders may work silently in the background, forming ruthless cadres of smart and competent followers who carry out their work unheard and unheralded, shifting not just the trajectory of the age but the successes and failures of adversaries and allies alike in the darkness. This befits the mission of men who fight for their culture and civilization against those who do not follow the rules of honor. These are the men who will not surrender to the Adversary but protect and guard the light.

  Vox Day is beyond rarity, for he has filled all of these roles.

  And driven sharp success through each.

  Appreciate this rarity, and listen.

  SJWs Always Double Down is a gift, a bright lamp for us on the dark path of the cultural war in which we find ourselves.

  Vox Day serves in many ways, in many milieus, and the hand of his work is rarely revealed across the arenas of contest. But there are times when it moves explicitly, and this book, SJWs Always Double Down, is a significant and essential contribution of truth, publicly declared.

  There is no question that this is a tumultuous time of enormous cultural conflict and war, internecine and ugly, with no quarter asked and no mercy granted. The spoilt rejection of history and culture by the Left has directly, by design, methodically and cruelly destroyed intellectual integrity, political honor, sacred institutions such as marriage and the Church, and turned the emerging pillars and foundations of the digital age toward hideous outcomes of degeneracy.

  Vox Day provided critical analysis of the character of the shrieking leftist in the first groundbreaking book of this series, SJWs Always Lie. He provided insight into the nature of the nasty inhabitants of the Left, their inability to adhere to truth—and very importantly, provided a survival guide to men and women suddenly faced with a merciless horde of social justice warriors determined to swarm and destroy them.

  The next stage in competence against these destroyers is right here for you to study, to absorb, and to put into deliberate practice. With firmness, and competence, and consistent effort.

  Today corporations topple, riddled with social justice warriors who screech and threaten and grovel, advancing by any means necessary their infected parasitism until the enterprise no longer exists to pursue its business in the market, but expires as a hollow husk, directed only towards the promotion of the social justice warrior ideology. All at the expense of the customers and markets it was built to serve.

  This process is called “convergence,” and it is the precursor to the eventual collapse and death of the enterprise.

  This collapse and death is inevitable, for the parasitism of the social justice warrior is not symbiotic, but pervasive, destructive, and permits no preservation of value.

  Vox Day unveils the workings of that process in this book and gives you the means to stop it with fire.

  Even more disturbing today is concerted invasion of the open source community by social justice warriors of the Left, who seek to distract and corrupt an incredibly promising realm of innovation and technological growth by siphoning resources and time away from development of brilliant product.

  The pathetic, pointless creation of “Safety Councils” and “Diversity Assurance Teams” corrodes, derails, and destroys the brilliance of digital group collaboration. These embedded cancers use shame, self-importance, and useless incompetence as tools of their metastasizing.

  Vox Day exposes this draining assault on the vigor and coherence of the open source community as an example of deliberate social justice warfare, designed to turn the most brilliant endeavors of the day into hollow, failed husks inhabited only by humorless commissars.

  The tactical instruction in SJWs Always Double Down is priceless.

  But more importantly, this book drives home the reasons why this seemingly incomprehensible assault upon reason and performance keeps taking place, over and over again, despite the disasters that inevitably follow in its wake.

  Why do social justice warriors not grasp that they bring businesses, institutions, ideologies, culture and civilization down to death, utterly heedless of the shouted warnings?

  SJWs Always Double Down vivisects the compulsive and inescapable socio-sexual drives that lay behind the incomprehensible blindness of the social justice warrior.

  Why are they so fatally parasitic, gobbling any and all available resources until the host who dares not fight back is dead and destroyed?

  What causes their inherent blindness to objective, observable evidence that their conduct dooms and destroys everything it touches?

  How can the social justice warrior declare victory at each and every failure after repeated failure and scorched earth demonstration of horrific incompetence?

  Where can you interrupt this cycle?

  How can you burn these swarms of the social justice warriors from the land as they double down on the total destruction of Western Civilization?

  The answers are here, in SJWs Always Double Down.

  Vox Day explains them in this book with the cal
m observation of a competent philosopher and the grim seriousness of the leader who does not seek aggrandizement, but victory against the dishonorable and destructive enemies of human reason.

  See clearly where their evolutionary development has rendered them unable to refrain from lying, doubling down and projecting their own malevolently destructive worldview upon all others.

  Learn why the self-annihilatory socio-sexual processes of the social justice warrior are inescapably rooted in their psyche.

  Drive your understanding into the defense of not just your own reputation, career, safety and future… but also the survival and integrity of your company, your church, your institutions and your culture.

  War without quarter is terrible, for men are crueler than all other beasts.

  Losing war without quarter is worse because one cannot recover from it.

  Vox Day wants you to win.

  Vox Day is no longer just a social media avatar to me, a Supreme Dark Lord behind a Venetian mask.

  Over the course of our work he has been a confidant and mentor, an ally and colleague, a standing remonstrance to those who despair and think it is too late to fight for the survival of Western civilization.

  I have seen his loyalty to his friends, and it is both real and profound.

  I have felt his calm and measured hand as it refined my own work, and it is deeply mature.

  I stand here in my own right as a well-known combatant in the darkness of this age, and I tell you that it is an honor to introduce this important work to you, and to do so on the behalf of a man I consider a friend and a treasure to the West.

  Read this book carefully, and read it well.

  SJWs Always Double Down is your guide to survival on the battlefield of the cultural war.

  That war is real and grows hotter with each day, and it will not be over until it has been won. It will not be over until we put an end to the myth of social justice and to the last misguided warrior who still believes in it.

  Come join us in competence, in honor, and in the delight of a battle well worth fighting.

  It is time to win, and this is the Way.

  Ivan Throne

  Colorado, U.S.A.


  A lot has changed in the two years since SJWs Always Lie appeared. Dozens of corporations and other organizations have been revealed to be SJW-converged. Hundreds of individuals have lost their jobs as a result of SJW attacks for reasons that would have been considered nonsensical only ten years ago. Tens of thousands more people are now aware of the existence of SJWs and of the vicious threat they pose to our friends, our families, our society, and even our civilization. But most people are still blithely unaware of them, and even if they have an inkling of their existence, tend to assume that they are impervious to SJW assault because they are good, well-meaning individuals. They find it difficult to believe that SJWs can really be as bad as they are portrayed and project their own good will and general lack of evil intent on them.

  In most cases, it is not until a person is forced to directly confront the ugliness of SJW behavior, either in defense of his job or a pastime that he loves, that he is able to finally understand the reality of the situation. And when he does, he is often at a loss as to what to do or to understand with what sort of twisted, angry, psychologically damaged monster he is dealing.

  This book is written to help that person understand, anticipate and defeat those monsters.

  Before the reader delves into it, however, I should like to point out a few things about its predecessor, and respond to some common criticisms of it that may also apply to this book. First, I frequently use myself and the SJWs I have personally encountered as examples, not because I am narcissistic or settling any personal vendettas, but because those are the situations I know sufficiently well to describe in detail. Having actually been there, having witnessed the events, and being privy to all of the details both significant and incidental, those are the only situations I can definitively describe as having happened exactly the way they did. While it is reasonable to doubt whether I, as an active and interested party, can describe an incident in perfectly objective detail, it is worth noting that no one has dared to dispute or call into question any of the details of the various events I described in SJWs Always Lie.

  A gentleman who not well-disposed towards me once said that although he disagrees with many of my opinions, he would not even bother to look out the window if I declared the sky was green. He recognizes, as do many of my friends, allies, and supporters, that I do not lie about things that can be objectively ascertained. The reason is that, since 2001, every word of the 500+ columns and 20,000+ posts I have written has been subject to intense scrutiny by hundreds of my most bitter opponents. I am well aware that this scrutiny exists, which is why even the most determined excavation into any aspect of this book or its predecessor will demonstrate that I am telling the truth to the full extent that I am able to do so.

  Of course, this does not mean I will not engage in rhetoric or hyperbole from time to time, but the astute reader will recall that rhetoric is at its most effective when it is utilized in the service of the truth.

  A second objection, ironically enough, is that I often delve into too much trivial detail when I am explaining a concept about SJW behavior through the use of examples. But this is absolutely unavoidable because it is only in the examination of the minute details that the SJW devil can truly be seen with clarity. Due to the way in which SJWs habitually attempt to hide behind a fog of mutating definitions, move the goalposts without hesitation, and lie without shame, pinning them down in order to expose them usually requires a near-pedantic attention to detail. That being said, in this book I have attempted to more often demonstrate SJW behavior in their own words, by an extensive use of short, but illustrative, quotes in the place of lengthy, detailed descriptions on my part.

  In much the same way that the great Carthaginian general Hannibal used his knowledge of Roman weaknesses and tendencies to anticipate them and to lead them into traps, we can use our knowledge of the SJW mindset and its patterns of behavior to create one metaphorical Cannae after another as we methodically obliterate their evil influence on our society. The advantage that we have over Hannibal, who despite his brilliance was ultimately defeated, is that this is our society and our civilization. We are the defenders, and like Fabius Maximus the Delayer, we need only refuse to surrender to them in order to eventually secure victory. They, not we, are the interlopers, and they, not we, have no claim on Western civilization, its values, and its traditions. They are the self-professed enemies of the West, and they seek its destruction, which is why there is ultimately no place for them in it.

  I am occasionally asked why I am so implacably hostile to social justice. The reason is that I treasure truth, beauty, and God. Social justice places lies before the truth, ugliness before beauty, and Man before God. Social justice is not a good thing in any way, shape, or form; it is the antithesis of all that is good, and right, and true. It is evil, and therefore we must stand against it.

  SJW delenda est.

  Chapter 1: The Second Law of SJW

  “What is Social Justice? Social Justice is the equal distribution of resources and opportunities, in which outside factors that categorize people are irrelevant.”

  —Pachamama Alliance

  At last, your long ordeal at the hands of the corporate inquisition is finally over. After six months of being interrogated by suspicious HR managers, defending yourself against false accusations, clarifying all the intentional misunderstandings and mischaracterizations, explaining away the ridiculous exaggerations, and enduring the cold shoulder from half the employees in your office, your boss has assured you that everything is good and you are in the clear. You’re grateful, of course, since he’s been staunchly in your corner since the first time HR descended on you like a thunderbolt for your alleged sins against diversity and inclusion. In the end, it turned out that it was all the consequence of a Dilbert car
toon taped on the inside of your door, to which one of the women in the office took offense; at least, that was the only tangible offense that remained after the six-month investigation failed to turn up any evidence of all the other crimes of which you were accused.

  “I really appreciate the way you went to bat for me,” you tell your boss. And you’re truly grateful to him. When everyone else looked the other way, happy that the wolves weren’t out to devour them, your boss didn’t hesitate to tell his superiors that all the rumors were ridiculous, even going so far as to provide a vice-president with your travel itinerary and proving that you were in Canada visiting customers on the day you supposedly lingered at the entrance of your nameless accuser’s cubicle too long and made her feel uncomfortable. You’re pretty sure that if it wasn’t for him, you’d be out in the street looking for a new job already.

  “Hey, you’re a valuable member of the team,” he assures you. “I’d hate to lose you, especially over some crazy nonsense like this. All you have to do is attend a one-day diversity class, and you can put this whole thing behind you.”

  Diversity class? But you didn’t do anything! Didn’t they just confirm that you didn’t do anything?

  “Why do I have to take the class now since they know I didn’t do any of that stuff?”

  He spreads his hands and shrugs. “You know how it is. Sure, everyone knows you’re in the clear, but this lets the CEO assure everyone that we take racism and sexism and homophobia and all that very seriously, and keeps the directors off his back. I mean, the official story is that it’s all just a big misunderstanding, right, so they’re having you take this class to make sure there aren’t any more misunderstandings in the future.”

  “But there wasn’t any misunderstanding. It was all just a pack of outright lies!”